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Privacy of Student Records

Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (F.E.R.P.A.)

Privacy Act (F.E.R.P.A.)

学院的政策是保护和分发学生的教育记录,包括: 但不限于根据联邦《澳门足球博彩官方网址》提供的任何个人身份信息. A summation of the policy follows here; to view the policy in entirety, refer to the Policy and Procedures page on this site: Click Here

Student Rights

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, helps protect the privacy of student records. 立法的目的是保护学生和学生的权利 to ensure the privacy and accuracy of education records. The Act applies to all institutions that are the recipients of federal funding. 学院的家庭教育权利和隐私政策是 published on the policy and procedures page on this site. There are four basic rights afforded students:

  1. 有权在学院收到访问请求之日起45天内检查和审查学生的教育记录.
  2. 要求修改学生认为不准确的教育记录的权利.
  3. 有权同意披露包含在学生的个人身份信息 education records, except to the extent that F.E.R.P.A. authorizes disclosure without consent.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of F.E.R.P.A..

详细讨论这些权利,包括学生如何执行的具体说明 these rights is available on the policy and procedures page.

Directory Information

FERPA将“目录信息”定义为包含在学生教育记录中的信息 如果被披露,一般不会被认为是有害的或侵犯隐私. Directory information may be 除非学生提出要求防止披露,否则由学院自行决定. 详细讨论了目录信息和保密过程, is available on the policy and procedures page of this site.


As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education's F.E.R.P.A. 法规扩大了教育记录和包含在这些记录中的个人身份信息(PII)的情况-包括您的社会安全号码, grades, 或其他私人信息-可能在未经学生同意的情况下被访问. The complete Notice can be found in the College's FERPA policy statement.

Parents Guide FERPA

(Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act)

《澳门足球博彩官方网址》(FERPA)保护教育记录的隐私,并规定学生审查其教育记录和控制教育记录发布的权利. At the elementary and high school level, 这项法律允许父母查阅孩子的教育记录. However, at the college level, regardless of the student’s age, 查看学生记录的权利只属于学生本人.
查看学生记录的权利属于学生本人,而不是家长或法定监护人. Student academic information (such as class schedule, grades, academic standing, conduct records, billing statements, etc.) will be given to the student. 这是由学生来决定谁可以获得访问. 学院教职员工禁止与家长讨论学生的学习成绩信息,除非学生提供签名授权.
了解你的学生做得如何的最好方法是问他们. 也许FERPA规则的好处之一是,它为父母提供了一个额外的机会,与他们的大学生沟通他们的期望和学生的责任. Rather than seeing this legislation as a barrier, 家长可能会认为这是一个与学生进行有意义对话的机会.
There are several exceptions built into the FERPA regulations, such as the health and safety exception. 如果一个学生被认为对自己或他人构成威胁, 或者出于某种原因需要保护学生的健康和安全, information may be shared with parents. Additionally, 学校还可以向家长披露未满21岁的学生使用或持有毒品或酒精的任何违规行为. An important note here is that the law allows, but does not require, such information to be released to parents.

Q: My child is under 18, can I access their records?

A: Only with their signed authorization. At the college level, regardless of the student's age, 查阅学生记录的权利只属于学生.

Q: How can I get a copy of my student's grades?

A: 接收学生成绩信息的最简单方式, billing statement, or class schedule is to directly ask the student. 学生可以全天候访问学院的学生门户网站,在那里他们可以打印自己的成绩, unofficial transcripts, financial statements, and schedules.

Q: 我是否知道我的学生被留校察看或开除?

A: A student's academic standing is evaluated at the close of the Fall and Spring semester; talk with your student, 要求学生打印他们的非官方成绩单,这样你就可以讨论他们完成学位的进展情况. 未经学生签署同意,学院不能与您分享这些信息.

Q: 我会被告知任何学生行为问题或纪律处分吗?

A: 学生行为由学生生活办公室管理,鼓励学生与父母公开分享和讨论任何和所有的行为问题. 虽然学院不会定期通知你的行为违法, the law does allow the College, at its discretion, 向家长披露未满21岁学生使用或持有毒品或酒精的违法行为.

Q: How does my Student authorize me to access their records?

A: 希望分享其教育记录的学生可以在学生门户网站上完成学生信息发布 my.yogaintheusa.com by selecting Student and then Online Forms.

As college parents, 记住,你的学生正在努力提高独立性和责任感. 允许他们决定谁接收他们的学术信息是这种日益增长的独立性的一部分. As with many aspects of the college experience, 大学生家长和大学生之间加强沟通将使每个人都能顺利度过这段时光.