



College unveiled special collections room for Indigenous Peoples of Garrett County

周四, 加勒特学院图书馆举办了两次积极的讨论会议, 一个是给学院成员和学生的, 还有一个是社区成员的, as part of the Engaging Community Conversations event featuring the Indigenous peoples of Garrett County.

Dr. 莱恩哈罗德, GC的教务处主任, kicked off the event with a detailed presentation on the history of the first people in the Americas, highlighting how Indigenous peoples among the Shawnee and Seneca tribes in the Garrett County area can be dated back to 10,1000年前.

Dr. 莱恩哈罗德

哈罗德: GC's dean of academics 莱恩哈罗德 presenting on the history of the first people in the Americas, highlighting how Indigenous peoples among the Shawnee and Seneca tribes in the Garrett County area can be dated back to 10,1000年前. 哈罗德还担任美洲原住民联络委员会的联合主席.

哈罗德, who also serves as co-chair for the Native American Liaison Committee and has a background in biological anthropology, 论述了殖民主义对人类文化的深刻影响, 语言组织, and migration patterns among Indigenous populations as most of the Shawnee tribes originating from this area now reside in Oklahoma.

"The goal of this event was to start a conversation between the college and the community about how we can work to not only acknowledge the Indigenous people from Garrett County, 但要包括后代的声音,哈罗德说. "As part of this effort I have reached out to the Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs, 纽约的塞内卡部落, 以及俄克拉荷马州的肖尼部落."

哈罗德 has also initiated a collaborative relationship with the Native American Studies program at nearby West Virginia University.

“我很感激博士。. 哈罗德的彻底和经验的研究和交付他的发现,Friendsville居民Kim Alexander评论道, 谁出席了社区会议. "I'm excited to see how his relationships with various tribes will inform Garrett County."

斯蒂芬妮•米勒, GC的技术服务馆员, 促进两个小组的讨论, 指导与会者之间的许多对话.

"The questions and discussions developed from this event generated some wonderful ideas that could assist 澳门足球博彩官方网址 in working with the community to effectively support indigenous peoples,米勒说。. 邀请原住民演讲者到学院演讲, encouraging Garrett County students to correspond with indigenous students across the county, 继续进行像这样的活动和对话."

Many participants shared their own personal connections and interests in attending Thursday's event.

Friendsville resident Rich 'Woody' Woodward previously spent some time living in Colorado doing his own research and studying of native Americans.

"I want to learn more about the Indigenous people that lived in Garrett County and leave a legacy – I feel inspired to give land back to the natives,伍德沃德说。, who owns 10 acres of land in Friendsville and participated in the college session. “在科罗拉多州的时候,我甚至上了一些母语课程, 尽我所能地学习."

Oakland resident Gloria Salazar agrees that Thursday's topic of conversation is vital to the Garrett County community.

"This is a topic that is very dear to my heart," said Salazar, 谁出席了社区会议. "澳门足球博彩官方网址's event presented a wealth of information, which was way more than I anticipated. 这对我们的社区来说是至关重要的信息."

Participants agree there is room for improvement in sharing information and providing educational opportunities about the history of 加勒特县的土著居民 - especially among the younger generations - and feel the College can be a pioneer in leading those efforts.

“这是一个激动人心的时刻来到加勒特县. 现在有一些深层次的工作正在进行中,Judy Carbone补充道, 谁也参加了社区会议并居住在斯旺顿. “有这么多的历史正在深入研究,而且它正在同时发生."

Carbone cited the women's suffrage history with the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Garrett County chapter and the African American populations with the AME church and Mountain Lake Park.

"Let's just be open to new things," Carbone remarked, "and learn from our history, for our future."

Dr. 莱恩哈罗德

特藏室: As a recipient of the Libraries Transforming Communities: Focus on Small and Rural Libraries grant, an initiative of the American 图书馆 Association (ALA) in collaboration with the Association for Rural & 小型图书馆(ARSL), the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 library was able to create a new special collections room featuring Indigenous peoples of Garrett County. Pictured are GC的技术服务馆员 斯蒂芬妮•米勒 (left) and director of the library and learning commons 珍妮Meslener.

珍妮Meslener, GC的图书馆和公共学习中心主任, shared with the group that Thursday's event served as a springboard for future conversations to take place.

"Engaging community conversations was the first step in some new exciting initiatives to support diverse populations at 澳门足球博彩官方网址,梅斯勒说.

Meslener shared that the College is already in the process of preparing and planning for future endeavors to support the Indigenous peoples of Garrett County.

“通过与外部团体和组织的全面合作, we hope to bring a greater awareness of Indigenous populations to all members of the Garrett County community,Meslener说.

As a recipient of the Libraries Transforming Communities: Focus on Small and Rural Libraries grant, an initiative of the American 图书馆 Association (ALA) in collaboration with the Association for Rural & 小型图书馆(ARSL), the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 library was able to create a new special collections room featuring Indigenous peoples of Garrett County.

周四的参与者能够第一次看到新的收藏室, 图书馆内. The collections room is open during regular library hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m. 欢迎并鼓励社区成员前来参观, 房间里所有的材料都可以结帐.

该库还创建了一个LibGuide 加勒特县的土著居民 以及周边地区, which serves as a digital and virtual resource for anyone wishing to find out more information.

哈罗德说, “这是我的希望, 作为加勒特学院的首席学术官, that the work Director Meslener has initiated will create a campus that increases awareness of Indigenous history in the county and makes the information accessible to Indigenous communities nationwide."

For more information on the GC's library's special collections room of 加勒特县的土著居民, 或者图书馆的可用资源, 请致电301-387-3009或reference@garrettcollege与GC库联系.edu.