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GC's STEM student 亚历山德拉•斯科菲尔德 will complete two-year degree within one year of high school graduation


Ms. 亚历山德拉•斯科菲尔德

Garrett County resident 亚历山德拉•斯科菲尔德 is on track to complete her two-year associate degree within one year of graduating high school.

斯科菲尔德, 南加勒特高中的毕业生, is pursuing an Associate of Arts degree with a mathematics and science concentration. She has a strong interest in pursuing higher education in the science, 技术, 工程和数学——被称为STEM——领域. She first began taking college credits in high school as a dual-enrolled student, 除了在高中修AP课程之外.

"I was able to make great progress on my degree during high school, 这样我就能在一年内完成在加勒特的学业,她说. "I chose 澳门足球博彩官方网址 because I was able to explore exactly where in the STEM field I wanted to work – all while completing my basic degree requirements at no cost thanks to the Garrett County Scholarship Program."

斯科菲尔德 was recently recognized for receiving the Girl Scouts of America Gold Award for a project she developed focusing on the many barriers and challenges young women face in pursuing a STEM education. 作为她项目的一部分, she created and taught a curriculum on women in STEM who were outstanding in their field.

虽然这个话题适用于许多女性, I selected 10 women I felt I should have learned about in school, 或者是我周围的人尊敬的人,斯科菲尔德解释道. 每个女人的课程都包括一本传记, 一份随课文而来的问题练习表, 一个活动, 对一些人来说是YouTube上的一两个视频."

While teaching these lessons at an elementary school in Garrett County, she was amazed at how easily the children picked up on the unfair barriers each of the women faced.

"Not only did the students look forward to learning about these women, they were completely invested in why there were barriers in the first place,斯科菲尔德说. "Almost every lesson included an engaging discussion from the students about how unfair it was that these women had to endure the things they did."

她继续说道, “这些学生不仅接受了STEM领域的教育, 但也包括许多女性今天仍然面临的障碍. These students gave me hope that one day these barriers will be no more."

至于斯科菲尔德, she has enjoyed being able to further her studies at GC with other students who are as interested in STEM as she is. She plans to further her education in mathematics at Frostburg State University after graduating in the spring.

"澳门足球博彩官方网址 is a great stepping stone to furthering your education. 你是否打算继续上四年制大学, 加勒特是个提升知识的好地方,斯科菲尔德补充道. "I was unsure about where I wanted to attend and what I wanted to study. Garrett was able to allow me to continue making progress towards my degree while figuring it all out."

斯科菲尔德 credits the amount of support and encouragement she's received from staff and faculty with her successful college journey.

"Everyone in the learning commons has been incredibly supportive of my studies and constantly check in to make sure my classes are going well and that I am not overwhelmed,她说. “另外, a few of my professors have been very encouraging about my future beyond Garrett, including my desire to further advance my education in the STEM field."

This past semester, 斯科菲尔德 was enrolled in Finley Richmond's physics 111 class.

“亚历山德拉是一个非常负责任的学生, 安静的, 热情的, and studious in her learning of physic concepts and their terminology. She is always to the point and accomplishes her tasks prior to all other students in my class,里士满说, GC的科学和STEM学院副教授. "I see potential in the life of this young lady in the accomplishment of her career path."

像这样, Richmond recommended 斯科菲尔德 as a STEM peer tutor in the College's tutoring center on campus.

"亚历山德拉 is very talented and I have full confidence that she will use her talent to help other students, 不仅在我的物理课上,而且在其他科目上,里士满说。.

据阿什利·鲁比说, GC的咨询和学业成功主管, STEM tutors are traditionally difficult to find; however, 斯科菲尔德迅速满足了这一需求.

作为一名导师, 亚历山德拉 became an approachable academic resource to her peers,鲁比说, 他还负责管理学院的辅导中心. "Her effervescent personality and helping nature suited her well in this role and I am thankful for the impactful work she has performed over the last few months."

Ruby补充道, "The peer tutor position also allowed her to put her STEM knowledge into action and build some important resume-worthy experience. I look forward to continuing to watch 亚历山德拉 flourish as a tutor in the spring semester, 她的最后一个学期, 最终她获得了良好的学位!"

At Garrett, 斯科菲尔德 is also involved as a student officer with the Campus Advisory & 活动委员会(CAAB).

"Some of my best memories at Garrett have been associated with being a CAAB officer. I love putting on programs for the students and getting to interact with so many people,斯科菲尔德说. "My favorite program so far has been our Pumpkin Everything Day we hosted in October. Brandon Jackson (assistant director of student development and CAAB advisor) and the rest of the CAAB officers have been an excellent group to get to know and surround myself with!"

斯科菲尔德 was a 2021 recipient of the Kalie Hostutler Ashby Academic Achievement Scholarship Fund. The fund – which provides textbook scholarships to students who attended Ashby's alma mater, 南加勒特高中, 并且是学院双招生计划的一部分, or students who previously attended Crellin Elementary School – honors the late Kalie Hostutler Ashby and the value she placed on higher learning.