News Gc To Award 艾伦 Dean Emeritus Status - 澳门足球博彩官方网址-澳门足球博彩官方网址



GC to award 艾伦 dean emeritus status

Retired dean honored for 31 years' service to College and its students


吉姆·艾伦 will be awarded the status of "dean emeritus" at 澳门足球博彩官方网址's May 20th commencement.

吉姆·艾伦 expected 澳门足球博彩官方网址 to be a temporary career stop. If so, 艾伦's 31 years at GC dramatically stretches the definition of "temporary".

"After working as a missionary in Nepal for three years, I was seeking a position at a college or university," recalled 艾伦, who will be bestowed the title of "dean emeritus" at 澳门足球博彩官方网址's commencement exercises on May 20th.

"We happened to be visiting my sister-in-law and her husband in 奖助金ville when a friend of theirs told me about an opening at 澳门足球博彩官方网址," continued 艾伦. "I applied and was offered the position. Initially I only planned to stay for three years."

艾伦, who started at GC as director of the College's technical/career programs, went on to serve in a variety of administrative and faculty roles. He was an earth science professor, interim dean of instruction, acting chief academic officer on multiple occasions, and finally served as dean of instructional and institutional effectiveness.

"My fondest memory of working at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 was the family atmosphere,艾伦说。, noting that was one of the many advantages of working at a small college. "I also fondly remember many of the students I taught over the years. Even the small impact I may have had on their lives made my job especially rewarding."

艾伦 said one of his most important accomplishments at GC was "helping to redesign the College's degree program in wildlife management to become the Natural Resources & Wildlife Technology program.”与此相关, he said NRWT Professor Kevin Dodge is "the person who has known me the longest and who probably knows me the best."

"Without Jim, there would be no Natural Resources and Wildlife Technology program," said Dodge. "He patiently and skillfully helped open my eyes to what technical education is all about, and he guided me through the process of revising what was the Wildlife Management Technology program and turning it into the top-notch academic major it is today."

Dr. 理查德•中型股, 澳门足球博彩官方网址's president, said 艾伦's service as the College's accreditation liaison officer (ALO) may have been his most important institutional contribution.

"认证 through the Middle States Commission on Higher Education is particularly rigorous,中盘股说. "It takes years for an institution to properly prepare for each reaccreditation cycle.

作为我们的助理律师, Jim provided incredible leadership and coordination leading up to our last reaccreditation in 2020," continued Midcap. "The College was judged to have met all seven standards and all 15 requirements of affiliation, with a commendation for the College's approach to the reaccreditation visit."

Midcap said 艾伦's contributions to the 2020 reaccreditation say a lot about his work ethic.

"Jim was well into his final year at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 when we completed the reaccreditation process – but he was totally engaged in doing a great job for the College right up until the day he retired,中盘股说.

"Jim cared about every aspect of the College and was very committed to meeting student needs," said Kelli Sisler, 澳门足球博彩官方网址's director of analytics, institutional research, 和评估.

"He was also very conscientious about assessment and accreditation,Sisler补充道, who succeeded 艾伦 as the College's accreditation liaison officer.

艾伦 – who resides in Morgantown with his wife, Karen – said the awarding of emeritus status was "totally unexpected."

"I was very surprised,艾伦说。, "but also pleased."