News Gcs 20th Paramedic Class Earns Certificates - 澳门足球博彩官方网址-澳门足球博彩官方网址




Graduates celebrate achievement while mourning fallen classmate

摄影:John Rudd

澳门足球博彩官方网址 graduated its 20th paramedic certificate class last Tuesday night at the Performing Arts Center at 澳门足球博彩官方网址. Pictured, left to right, are Leader Instructor Josh Hook, 乔斯林·达拉(《澳门足球博彩官方网址》), 阿什利·泰特(梅斯维尔), 香农·哈雷(弗雷德里克), 加内尼·约德(意外), 萨姆·马丁(迈耶斯代尔), 泰勒·托马斯(弗罗斯特堡), 卡森·斯奈德(坎伯兰), 布兰登·林奇(里奇利), 塞缪尔·阿诺(坎伯兰), 乌里亚斯·皮奇(索尔兹伯里), 以赛亚·卡灵顿(意外), Trey Corbin(级别), 柯尔斯滕·米勒(Mt .. 萨维奇),卡西迪·奥弗斯特里特(弗罗斯特堡), 阿曼达·伊诺斯(柏林).

Joy 和 heartbreak are emotions common to the paramedic field. Both were in evidence last Tuesday night as 澳门足球博彩官方网址 recognized the 20th paramedic program class during graduation exercises in the Performance Arts Center at 澳门足球博彩官方网址.

“你将经历这一切,主讲人比尔·塞法斯承诺道, chief executive officer of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. "You will help newborns as they breathe their first – 和 seniors as they breathe their last."

The dichotomy of emotions were visible as the students took pride in their achievements while mourning the loss of a classmate who was not present. Lena Schell died unexpectedly on April 22nd, just 22 days short of graduating.

"Lena's dream was to become a paramedic 和 she was so close to reaching that goal," Lead Instructor Josh Hook told Schell's 15 classmates, 谁为她系上了黑丝带. "I encourage you all to live through Lena's examples of hard work, 奉献, 以及永不放弃的愿望."

Schell's was the final graduate's name called, with fiancé Jason Didawick 和 daughter Ashley Cook accepting Schell's certificate in her place. Schell also received state 和 national paramedic recognition, with Didawick 和 Cook also accepting those honors in her stead.

Hook noted the graduates' chosen field will include "highs 和 lows, 成功与失败, 因为这就是我们所处的行业." He added that the graduates were "fine clinicians" – with an overall class grade-point average of 91.29 – 和 thanked their support instructors 和 preceptors "for your support 和 奉献 in working with these students."

The program's top students – valedictorian Isaiah Carrington 和 salutatorian Jocelyn Darrah – also spoke to their classmates.

"We finally did it," said Carrington, who finished with a 97.平均绩点36. "The light at the end of the tunnel has finally arrived."

卡灵顿指出了这个项目的严谨性, which included a minimum of 477 clinical hours 和 more than 1,000总小时, 包括课堂时间.

Darrah reminded her classmates that they were now "part of a profession that holds the power to change lives."

詹妮尔马丁, medical director of 澳门足球博彩官方网址's paramedic studies program, encouraged the graduates to embrace the positives 和 potential provided by their career field.

"I have two challenges for you tonight," said Martin. “首先,去拯救一些生命 . . . 第二,永远保持同情心."

Seifarth – a member of 澳门足球博彩官方网址's first paramedic class in 1994 – advised the graduates to "balance the good with the bad, 悲喜交加."

"Never stop learning 和 keep improving," added Seifarth. “保持竞争力和货币."

朱莉Yoder), 澳门足球博彩官方网址's dean of 澳门足球博彩官方网址 和 Workforce Development, emphasized some of the key non-technical aspects of the graduates' chosen field.

"Your ethical 和 professional behavior should always be at the forefront of your mind," said Yoder.

“这些行为是你的反映, 你的同事, 你的雇主, 和, 最终, 这个项目的,约德继续说。. "Continue to make us proud 和 inspire others to pursue this dem和ing yet rewarding career."

史蒂夫•亚当斯, 该项目的临床协调员, noted that the graduates not only met total training hours, but also "a minimum number of patients with specific points of contact that covered a specific range of skills."

加勒特学院院长. Richard Midcap was one of several speakers to acknowledge the support the graduates received along the way.

"This is a significant milestone not only for the graduates, 还有他们的家人和朋友,中盘股指出. "This is a challenging program with its more than 1,000 hours of classwork 和 training. That's a lot of time away from loved ones, while also balancing jobs 和 other responsibilities."

GC's paramedic studies program prepares students to provide pre-hospital assessment 和 care for patients of all ages with a variety of medical conditions 和 traumatic injuries. Areas of study include: an introduction to emergency medical services systems; roles 和 responsibilities of the paramedic; anatomy 和 physiology; medical emergencies; trauma; special considerations for working in the pre-hospital setting, 为病人提供运输服务.

"The ALS program is designed to educate skilled, well-trained advanced life support providers for the communities of Allegany 和 Garrett counties 和 surrounding areas,道格·贝策尔说, 加勒特学院渐冻症项目协调员.

Graduates are able to test at the national 和 state levels to earn paramedic certification.

三个学生——卡灵顿, 香农哈雷, 和 Ganene Yoder – also earned their Associate of Applied Science Degree in Paramedic Studies. 澳门足球博彩官方网址 paramedic students can use the workforce training credential toward fulfilling associate degree requirements.

A new paramedic class will be starting this fall, with applications due at the end of June.

Applications or questions about the program can be directed to Doug Beitzel, 请拨打301-387-3772或道格与他联系