






The Garrett Lakes Arts Festival was founded in 1986 and Our Town Theatre was created in 1997. 本Sincell was GLAF’s design and technical director for 20 years and held the same role with Our Town Theatre for 16 years – holding both roles simultaneously for nearly a decade.

而且这两项活动都不是辛凯尔的日常工作. 这位加勒特县人在加勒特学院工作了32年, 建立戏剧项目,同时教授交流课程.

Sincell will be honored for both his academic and community achievements at 澳门足球博彩官方网址’s 50th commencement exercises on May 21st with the awarding of professor emeritus status. The 澳门足球博彩官方网址 校董会 voted unanimously to honor Sincell and retired Professor Beth Luers, 他们都是由学院全体教员一致推荐的.

Dr. 莉莲米切尔, 学术和学生事务名誉院长, 他回忆辛塞尔是“一位真正的亲力亲为的教授”."

"He would roll up his sleeves and work shoulder-to-shoulder with students, 钉钉子,粉刷布景," Dr. 米切尔谈到辛克尔时说. "No one was more knowledgeable or skilled at building sets and producing entertaining and engaging theatre productions."

蒂姆•福斯特, a math professor at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 who was also one of Sincell’s students, 也注意到了辛克尔的布景设计才能.

“本是布景大师和灯光天才,福斯特说。, who met Sincell on his first day as a student at then-Garrett Community College. “我认为《澳门足球博彩官方网址》是本最好的作品. The actors were amazing, but the stage actually made you feel as though you were in medieval Spain."

Sincell also believes that Man of La Mancha – an adaptation of the 1965 Broadway production inspired by the 17th-century novel Don Quixote – was one of his most memorable on-campus productions.

“那是一个非常豪华、非常庞大的布景,”辛塞尔回忆说. “这似乎真的引起了很多人的兴趣, 不仅仅是在县居民方面, 但就学生的兴趣而言. It let the students and the audience see the possibilities of what I think was good theater and, 也许, what could be done if we were finally able to get a performing arts center."

Sincell said the Performing Arts Center at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 – scheduled to open in late spring – is fulfillment of a long-held dream of the local arts community.

“在我任职期间,我至少在15个——也许更多——委员会任职, 我们说过, “我们要建一个剧院.’ They never went anywhere; always fell apart for one reason or another,辛克尔说。, who indicated the design for the new performing arts center should more than meet community needs.

“我看到了他们的计划,我觉得很好. [At the beginning of the project] I said the most important thing was getting an architect who understood designing performing arts centers, 他们确实这么做了,辛克尔说。, 指DLR集团, 谁是新政治行动委员会的设计师.

Sincell said his own theatre background grew out of a lifelong love of magic.

"I had the opportunity as a junior and senior in high school to work as an assistant to a professional magician,辛克尔说。, 他自己做了近四十年的表演魔术师.

Sincell also credited his parents – the late Robert Sincell and 94-year-old Hannah Sincell – with supporting his interest in the arts.

"When we were being raised, they took us to see a lot of different shows," recalled Sincell. “我母亲特别支持我的兴趣. She got me a drum set when I was younger – she might have come to regret that at some point in time. 我的叔叔丹·瓦格纳是世界著名的现代舞演员. It [performing arts] has always been a part of our existence to some degree."

The Southern Garrett High graduate went to then-Garrett Community College for a year before transferring to West Virginia Wesleyan "to follow a girl" (who became his wife, 贝弗莉). Sincell graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Theatre in 1977.

After marrying Beverly, they spent a year in New York City before moving back to Garrett County. In 1980, they began their family, raising three children: Daniel, Angie and Miriam. They all helped their father with productions, both off stage and on stage.

辛克尔随后为《澳门足球博彩官方网址》工作, 当时是辛凯尔家族的报纸, where he saw an advertisement for a communication and theatre instructor position at 澳门足球博彩官方网址. 1981年加入GC学院, he soon found the most challenging aspect of his work was using a space designed as an auditorium to serve as a theatre.

"It was designed by somebody who didn’t know theatre at all – it encompasses just about everything that could be wrong with a stage,辛克尔说。, who earned a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Theatrical Design from West Virginia University in 1990.

"That stage offered all kinds of challenges, including lighting and flooring,辛克尔说。. "One of the biggest challenges was to figure out where to keep stuff – where do things live until they’re used, 他们做完之后又去了哪里?

“大多数布景必须是非常容易上舞台的东西, or lighting had to be used in different parts of the design to tell the story. 这些都是巨大的挑战。. 由于学校的存储空间有限, I had good friends in Mountain Lake Park who lived in a huge Victorian home and we stored lots of stuff there."

Foster – who had Sincell for an instructor in communication/speech – said Sincell "not only taught speech but also life lessons in his class."

"He wanted students to learn to respect each other even if we had different points of view,福斯特说。, who said he tried to "emulate Ben’s style of teaching" when Foster returned to 澳门足球博彩官方网址 as a faculty member.


Sincell said GC athletes – erroneously thinking theatre was "an easy ‘A’ " – signed up for theatre in droves, 最终赢得了对这种自律的赞赏.

“他们很快发现戏剧是一项艰苦的工作, 但是很有趣——而且它的运作非常像一个团队, 有一个主教练, 助理教练, 球员和后勤人员,辛克尔说。.

Sincell said the development of the new PAC provides an opportunity for thoughtful consideration of appropriate academic programming.

"With the space that’s being developed it would certainly lend itself to the development of tech and design aspects,辛克尔说。. "Design and tech could be a main focus and the student body could be used for actors."