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State Authorization

联邦法规要求大学遵守州对大学的要求,以获得提供教学的授权, distance education degrees, certificates, and courses to students who live outside of the college's home state. Please note that laws regarding distance education and professional licensure and certification vary by state; consequently, 遵守州授权要求是一个持续的过程,可能会发生变化.

Online Classes/Programs

加勒特学院是国家授权互惠协议国家委员会(NC-SARA)的批准机构成员。. 参与NC-SARA的目的是让学生更容易参加另一个州的高等教育机构提供的在线课程. 除加州外,美国所有州、哥伦比亚特区、波多黎各和美国都是如此.S. Virgin Islands are NC-SARA member states. For more information about NC-SARA, including the states currently participating in the agreement, visit

Professional Licensure and Certifications

专业执照是国家或其他政府实体建立执业标准的过程,并通过向符合这些标准的个人提供执照或证书来给予执业的法律许可. Requirements for professional licensure or certification vary from state to state. 学院提供的某些学分和非学分课程旨在满足马里兰州的执照或认证要求,可能满足也可能不满足其他州的要求.

If you plan to apply for licensure or certification in a state other than Maryland, 请查看我们的专业执照网页,了解有关您感兴趣的特定课程的信息,以及可能导致执照或认证的学习课程的执照和认证委员会的联系信息. 如果您需要有关专业执照或认证的其他信息, please contact Affairs at 301-387-3039 or

Complaint Process

学院在“机构信息”下的“披露”网页或“公平与合规”页面提供了有关如何向学院及其管理和认证机构提出投诉的信息, under "Reporting Options", found at For information on NC-SARA's student complaint process, please visit

Additional Information


Garrett College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, and approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Additional consumer information disclosures can be found at

Professional Licensure and Certifications Disclosures

Certain occupations, such as addictions counselors and paramedics, 国家和/或政府实体是否为职业或专业制定了实践标准. These standards provide legal permission to practice those professions, through Professional Licensure or Certification, only to individuals who meet those standards. 这些专业执照或认证的标准要求可能因州而异.

加勒特学院的一些课程是为了满足马里兰州专业执照或认证的要求而设计的. If you plan to enroll in a program that can lead to professional licensure, and you plan to apply for licensure or certification in a state other than Maryland, 建议您联系该州的许可委员会,以确定学习计划和必修课程是否符合该州的许可或认证要求. If you need help obtaining contact information, contact Academic Affairs at 301-387-3039 or

Addictions Counseling A.A.S

This program prepares students for careers in addiction counseling. The curriculum provides theoretical coursework along with practical, 获得马里兰州认证监督酒精和药物咨询师(CSC-AD)认证所需的实践指导和现场经验. 成功的毕业生还可以转到一个四年制的机构继续学习心理学, social work, or related human services programs. 已经拥有学士学位的学生,正在寻求获得成瘾咨询认证所需的课程和监督的实地工作,也可以从这个项目中受益.

加勒特学院无法确认该项目或课程是否符合马里兰州以外州的专业执照要求. If you plan to apply for licensure in a state other than Maryland, 联系该州的许可委员会,以确定GC课程或项目是否符合该州的许可要求. If you need help finding contact information for your state, or if you need information regarding professional licensure, contact Academic Affairs at 301-387-3039 or

Paramedic Studies A.A.S. and Certificate

护理人员研究和证书课程旨在提供认知方面的指导, psychomotor, 和情感领域,使学生能够发展在紧急医疗服务(EMS)领域工作所需的知识和技能.

Areas of study include human anatomy and physiology, airway management, patient assessment, medical and trauma emergencies, clinical skills, professional ethics and other related topics. 参加这个项目的学生被教导在急诊室的延伸领域工作.

The Paramedic Studies and Certificate program is a special admissions program. Admission to Garrett College does not guarantee admission to the Paramedic Studies and Certificate program; specific eligibility and admission requirements must be met.

加勒特学院的紧急医疗服务护理人员培训计划旨在帮助学生获得国家注册护理人员(NRP)认证. 成功完成培训的学生将通过以能力为基础的教育计划获得高级急救护理资格,并为进入紧急医疗服务领域的护理人员做好充分准备. NRP认证基于国家标准,证书应该被大多数州接受. If you need help finding contact information for your state, or if you need information regarding professional licensure, contact Academic Affairs at 301-387-3039 or

Professional & Technical Studies-Machining Concentration A.A.S.

The Professional & Technical Studies A.A.S. 机械加工专业学位课程旨在提供理论与实践相结合的课程, hands-on instruction enabling students to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to enter the workforce as trained manual and CNC machinists.

加勒特学院的机械加工课程(包括学分和非学分)旨在帮助学生通过国家金属加工技能研究所(NIMS)获得证书。. 成功完成课程的学生将准备测试以下机械加工一级证书:

  • CNC Mill Operations
  • CNC Milling Programming Setup & Operations
  • CNC Lathe Operations
  • CNC Lathe Programming Setup & Operations
  • Drill Press I
  • Job Planning, Benchwork & Layout
  • Milling I
  • Measurement, Materials & Safety
  • Turning I (Between Centers)
  • NIMS认证基于国家标准,应该被大多数州/雇主接受. If you need help finding contact information for your state, or if you need information regarding professional licensure, contact Academic Affairs at 301-387-3039 or