

准备好你的下一个冒险? 加勒特学院欢迎来自各种背景和学习经历的学生. 许多来到GC的学生已经从其他机构获得了大学学分. 其他人则通过多年的兵役证明了他们对技能的掌握, 在职经验, 标准化考试等.

尽最大可能, 加勒特学院力求最大限度地提高课程和学分的可转移性. A maximum of 45 non-resident credit hours including transfer credits, military experience, AP, etc.,可以申请加勒特学院的副学士学位. 攻读学位的学生必须在参加GC期间至少获得15个学分, 和寻求证书的学生必须在GC获得至少12个学分的课程.

你很努力地学习这些知识, 因此,我们会尽一切可能将这些学分计入您的GC学位或证书. Click through the following to see how your prior learning experiences may supplement your educational experience at 澳门足球博彩官方网址.

作为录取过程的一部分, students who have attended one or more institutions before transferring to GC submit an official transcript from each institution. 一旦收到所有成绩单, 转学申请人可以安排他们的新学生咨询预约,作为转学申请人对成绩单评估的要求. 成绩单分析由记录和注册办公室(ORR)完成,转学接受学分的通知发送到学生的学院电子邮件. 作为新生咨询课程的一部分,学生也会被告知结果. 有关转移评估过程和程序的详细信息可以在 在这里找到.

参加加勒特高中双招生(HSDE)计划的高中生有机会在高中就读的同时开始他们的大学生涯. Dual enrollment allows high school students to take GC courses and earn both high school and college credit. The key to understand here is that HSDE students are actually registering for courses that will be part of their official college transcript. 目前,以下学区的学生有双重入学机会:

  • 加勒特县公立学校
  • 火鸡脚谷地学区
  • 点击这里 了解更多关于在高中时获得大学学分的信息.

衔接协议是GC和其他实体之间的正式安排,GC同意对在高中期间获得的特定学习和经验授予某些学分. 铰接学分可能适用于GC项目和要求, 但不被分配字母等级, 不计入绩点计算, 而且通常不会转学到其他学院和大学.

在加勒特学院注册的学生可以申请美国教育委员会(ACE)推荐的某些军事经历的课程等效学分。. Courses appropriate to Garrett's curriculum and applicable to the student's major program of study may be accepted, 学生免费.

要求获得军事同等学分的学生需要联系指定的军事审查机构,并获得对其军事经历的评估. The results of the evaluation should be sent directly to Garrett's Office of 记录 and 登记.

在加勒特学院入学时, 通过大学先修课程(AP)考试且最低分数为3分的学生可以要求将同等学分张贴在其加勒特学院成绩单上, 学生免费. 获得信用, an official AP Score Report must be sent from the College Board directly to Garrett’s Office of 记录 and 登记. 学生可浏览 http://apstudents.collegeboard.org/sending-scores 订购他们的官方成绩报告.


The Cambridge AICE Diploma is an international pre-university curriculum and examination system that emphasizes the value of broad and balanced study. These exams are usually taken in high school upon the completion of a specifically designed course of study. 澳门足球博彩官方网址 may award college credit for Cambridge exam grades of A through E (equivalent to US letter grades of A though C). Credits awarded may range from 3 or 6 credits for non-lab science exams or up to 8 credits for lab science exams. Interested students should contact 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Office of 招生 for estimates of how Cambridge exams may equate to GC coursework.

获得信用, an official Cambridge AICE grade transcript must be sent directly to Garrett's Office of 记录 & 登记. U.S. 学生可以使用 剑桥国际的成绩成绩单服务 订购结果. 对于美国以外的学生.S., Garrett officials will access your scores via the Cambridge International Direct system; to request a review please email the following information to registrar@yogaintheusa.com:学生的剑桥中心号码, 考号, 出生日期, 以及相关的考试系列(考试日期).


The International Baccalaureate Programme (IB) is a rigorous two-year curriculum offered in select secondary schools throughout the world. 为了获得IB的大学学分, 这个学生每门功课都必须参加考试. 大多数课程要求标准或高级考试的最低分数为4分, 在某些领域需要更高的分数. 获得信用, an official IB transcript must be sent directly to Garrett's Office of 记录 and 登记. 选举结果尚未公布, 学生可以联系他们的IB项目协调员寻求帮助. 成绩公布后,学生可使用申请成绩服务(rrs.伊博语.org)索取成绩单.


Enrolled degree-seeking students may earn college credit by taking CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exams. CLEP是由美国大学理事会提供的学分考试项目. A minimum score of 50 must be achieved on the exam, and no more than 12 CLEP credits will be awarded. 获得信用, students must request an official CLEP transcript be sent directly to 澳门足球博彩官方网址 for evaluation. 其他机构授予的CLEP学分不会自动转入加勒特学院. 学生可以通过“我的CLEP账户”订购成绩单 美国大学理事会网站.


Credit toward a degree may also be earned through a variety of formats other than traditional classroom instruction. Review the following discussions to learn more about Garrett's credit for prior learning opportunities. 在大多数情况下, a fee will be assessed for nontraditional credits earned via these assessment programs; nontraditional credit fees for EMS coursework in the Paramedic Studies program are waived. 欲了解更多信息,请联系加勒特学术事务办公室(academics@yogaintheusa.com).

从加勒特学院毕业后计划转学到其他学院/大学的学生应联系这些机构,以确定转学时是否接受学分. Transferability of credit for prior learning is at the discretion of the receiving institution; there is no guarantee that credits awarded by GC will transfer to another institution.


已注册的攻读学位的学生,如果参加了由持牌教师通过专业组织提供的培训课程,从而获得认证或执照,可能有资格获得选修课或特定专业的大学学分. The training will be evaluated using ACE recommended credit awards whenever such evaluation is available. 如果ACE评估不可用, 学生必须向指定的教师评估员证明,学生已经达到了该课程的学习成果.


Enrolled degree-seeking students may earn credit for a course by requesting a proficiency exam. Not all courses qualify for 审查信用; contact the Office of Academic Affairs for more information. 在重复的情况下, credit earned via proficiency exam does not replace a prior grade in the CGPA calculation and credit can only be earned once.


在与其工作直接相关的领域攻读学位的学生, 可以申请生活经验积分吗. 在生活经验评估中被考虑, 学生必须目前在加勒特学院就读学位课程. Interested students should first meet with their academic advisor to discuss life experience possibilities. 通过LEAP获得的专业课程学分不超过50%. GER、机构要求或选修课程不能获得LEAP学分. LEAP学分只能授予职业准备专业的课程.


Students who are enrolled in a degree program at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 are eligible to apply for portfolio credit for some courses. Portfolios must consist of work products that illustrate the ability to match a specific course's learning objectives. 学生可以通过作品集评估获得最多12个学分. 作品集评估仅适用于职业准备课程,这些课程存在适当的工作成果,可以证明课程学习成果的实现. 提交作品集的请求必须在课程开始前由首席学术官批准,并在期末考试前不迟于六周提交评估作品集,以获得学分. Portfolios will be reviewed by faculty in the discipline in which the course credits are sought. 审稿人的决定是最终的. Any work portfolio submitted for evaluation must be produced by the individual seeking the credits.


加勒特的澳门足球博彩官方网址 & 劳动力发展部提供许多非学分课程,为学生准备专业机构或政府机构的认证和执照. 完成此类课程并获得专业执照或认证的学生可以寻求非传统的选修课或加勒特学院副学士学位课程的主要学分. To be eligible for nontraditional credit and/or advanced standing the student must have completed the training program at 澳门足球博彩官方网址, 在进入GC学位课程的五年内,参加了指定的专业认证或执照考试并通过了考试, and have current certification or licensure in the professional area for which nontraditional credit/advanced standing is being requested. 只要有可能, college credits will be assigned for major or elective credit based upon the recommendation of the American Council on Education (ACE). 如果没有ACE推荐, 学生可以通过证明教学时间和内容符合大学水平课程的要求(仅限选修学分)或学生已经达到特定课程的学习成果来申请学分. 该评估将由首席学术官或指定人员进行. 寻求非传统学分和/或高级学位的学生可能必须在同一学科领域学习大学水平的课程才能完成学位. 澳门足球博彩官方网址课程侧重于认证和执照准备,可能没有足够的范围和深度来为学生在内容领域内的高级工作做好准备. 参考 大学目录 for a list of CEWD certification and licensure programs for which students may request alternative credit, 可以应用替代学分的学位课程, 以及可以申请的替代学分的数量.


加勒特招生办公室会在整个过程中为你提供帮助. We invite you to come in person to meet with a member of our 招生 工作人员 to answer any questions you may have, 参观校园, 或者了解更多澳门足球博彩官方网址的学分课程的信息. Take your first step towards becoming a 澳门足球博彩官方网址 student by contacting our 招生 Office today!

  • 申请加勒特学院.
  • 请务必在以下网址完成联邦学生援助免费申请 fafsa.政府 (加勒特学院校号:010014).
  • 尽快, 向你获得学分的机构索要一份正式成绩单. Most organizations have an online transcript request process that you can find easily by visiting their site and searching for "transcripts."

访问我们的 招生 & 帮助页面 了解更多关于在加勒特学院注册的信息.